Living Sent - The Latest Kresge Family Adventure

You don’t get anymore Forge Dallas than the Kresge family. Brad & Lauren and their kids Caleb, Norah & Sammy and beast dogs Gunner & Lilly have been a part of the tribe since the get go. Brad & Lauren were first generation Forge Dallas residency grads.

In fact, I can rarely remember a gathering in which the Kresge’s were not a part. Often times these missional scrums were hosted at their South Oak Cliff home. Time and again they have demonstrated the missional DNA of shifting, moving, changing — adopting and adapting to different contexts and cultures. Squeeze them and gospel just comes out. Google “sent ones” and you will find a picture of the Kresge family.

So a few months back while sharing a few pints at the Union Bear it came as no surprise when Brad shared with me their latest gospel stirring. Something referred to as “road schooling”. 

Lauren describes it this way.  “Adventuring and exploring to grow as a family and make  strong connections with this world we live in and the people we meet along the way. Our family is about to head out on an overlanding adventure to collect stories. We are going to sell it all, pack up the kids and the dogs and travel North America. As we meet new people and visit new places (and some familiar ones), we want to hear stories of individuals, groups, neighborhoods, organizations, etc.”

They are calling their newest adventure “Prodigal Overland” and they want to invite us to be part of the story. This is their website where they will collect the stories from the road. 

We are excited and sad all at the same time. Excited for their brave hearts to follow Jesus fully. Often times we can choose comfort or the familiar over following. We are sad in that we won’t get to gather at their familiar and fun home in this next season of life. 

That said, we want to celebrate and send off the Kresge’s with our love and prayers. You’re invited to a celebration send off picnic hosted by our friends and partners in ministry at the Cliff House (412 N. Lancaster Blvd, Dallas, TX). It will be on Sunday, August 25th beginning at 5 pm. Hotdogs, watermelon, chips and drinks. Also we will get to tour the Kresge’s new traveling trailer that will be ground zero for the stories to come. Hope to see you then!

Live humbly and kind,


Director - Forge Dallas Hub