Even in Difficult Seasons…Always on Mission - The Story of Jeri & John Taylor

April showers bring May flowers,  I believe this is true in a lot of our country but not so true here in Texas.  Everyone is looking for the the life that comes from the ground and the trees.  It refreshes our soul, mind and body.  Just as there are seasons of every year there are seasons of life.  

Seasons of learning, seasons of a growing family, seasons of challenges and seasons of being on mission.  SEASONS OF BEING ON MISSION?  I don’t think so - I believe we are are all sent even when the season changes.

A year ago (Spring of 2018) I was given the news I would need a to have a stem cell transplant. That meant moving to Houston for 5 months -1 month being in the hospital at MDAnderson.  I was blessed to feel pretty well most of the time - so John and I would spend a lot of time walking.  Our new ‘sent space’ were other walkers and the places they gathered.  We knew the hospital staff, called them by name as they did us.  We cried when they cried and prayed for one another.  We celebrated birthdays and anniversaries - not knowing if it would be the last one here on earth.  We also mourned with several as they lost their loved ones to cancer, Bob, Joe, Blake and Lisa.  This season of mourning was/is hard on me as I’m cancer free, a survivor and the question why them and not me comes running through my head.  But then I remember by the grace of God, I have been given a gift and that gift is to live and prosper.  

So a new season is upon John and me - we have had to stay indoors and local 90% of the last year and limit the number of visitors.  But starting in June - God Willing - we will have a new lease on life.  We will be able to travel, spend time with our 7 children and 9 grandchildren.  We believe we are being  sent to all of them, to help them engage with the world around them, to see what God has created and to enjoy the blessing they are to us.  

John and I feel called/sent to be encouragers to those we meet.  Listening to their stories and helping them know God wants to be in their midst.  We have friends all over the United States who have prayed for us through the past season and we want to be able to thank them, celebrate with them and praise God for the great things He has done.  

How long will this season be?  God only knows!  We will be always open to new seasons of being sent.  We believe that each and everyday we are sent, we just need to open our eyes and look around.  Just like the song “Turn, Turn, Turn” by the Byrds (Ecclesiastes 3)  things will change, but only with God on our side we know how to move from season to season.

Live humbly and kind,

Jeri & John Taylor