Lives Changed Forever

Recently, a Forge Resident shared this with us and I would love to share on this blog,

"As we began the Forge Residency, the books we read started to make us think differently. Our paradigms were changing as to whom we were called to and what our purpose in life was. As our coach began mentoring us and talking through life with us, our eyes were opened. We began to see everything through a new set of eyes. We humbly and honestly admit that when we began the Forge residency we would have said that the people that have value to add in our lives are those older than us and those that have the same beliefs as us. We now look at that same statement and cringe with shame...we are thankful we serve a God of mercy and grace who has opened our eyes to the beautiful value that every person has...not just those that believe what we believe, but the mom next door, the little girl across the street, and the elderly couple that shows off their handmade quilts. When we stop and take time to talk, get into our neighbor's worlds; whatever it may be (playing poker, swapping mom stories, or walking together on walks) we found a whole new beautiful world. This new world is one that is filled with broken people just like us. When we opened up about our own struggles and imperfections, we found that we are not alone, and together, regardless of age or beliefs, we can love each other and make our neighborhood look a little more like heaven...

God has truly transformed our hearts, our lives, & our neighborhood. We now live with such a deeper purpose, a love for each person we come into contact with, and with an intentionality that makes life much more beautiful. Our lives are now forever changed and we can't help but to share the incredible paradigm changes in our lives with the ones we love. Our families tease us now about loving on our neighbors so much, but honestly, it's the biggest compliment ever that they have seen the transformation in our lives...

We couldn't be more grateful to Forge for the opportunity to have our lives forever changed."